Thursday, 17 May 2012

Tutorial Two: Occupational Engagement, Doing, Being, Becoming and Belonging.

Making a cup of tea.
I chose this occupation because it is one of the oldest gestures of friendship and peace in so many different cultures. On a fieldwork placement I was on last year, tea making was used as a kitchen assessment to test cognitive and physical strengths of older people that had suffered from strokes. This was done in a simulation kitchen on the rehabilitation ward. I felt for some people this task would be familiar and relaxing for them so they would feel comfortable even though it was a “kitchen assessment” of how they could put the steps together correctly of making a cup of tea.

Tea making considers such values as doing, being, becoming and belonging. In the images I have chosen they outline these terms. Doing is shown in photo 12 of the process of tea being made. Being is shown in the photo 15 where people are part of a gathering. Becoming is shown in the photos 1, 2 and 5 where the person’s purpose and achievement is highlighted in their action of the finished product. And belonging is outlined in the photo 20 as the two people in the image are a part of each other’s company.

Examples of ethical considerations I made were not referring to the name of the placement venue to maintain privacy that I mentioned when reflecting on fieldwork links. I have stated where I sourced the photos from that I did not take myself. The authenticity of the online sources that I used seemed legitimate because several sites had the same references for each of the photos and images. For example I found some images on and the same images on and they had the same reference of where they found the images. 


  1. I like the images you have found.

  2. Thanks Jess, my younger brother is really into creative photography so he showed me a couple of really good photos.
